viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Resumen de mi ultima pelicula

Erase una vez  un pueblo lejano de las montañas, muy al norte de Japón. Habia un joven Ashitaka, el último  guerrero del clan Emishi, a punto de extinguirse, tiene que matar  obligadamente  a matar un monstruo para proteger su pueblo. Por fin, aunque un poco tarde  descubre que la criatura tenía forma de jabalín  que acaba de matar es uno de los dioses protectores del bosque. Al matar al jabalí demoníaco, le cae una maldicion a Ashitaka , que tiene forma de una cicatriz un poco torcida  en el brazo y que se va a ir  extendiéndose poco a poco por todo el cuerpo hasta matarlo. Ashitaka enpieza un nuevo viaje hacia las tierras del clan Tatara, donde espera poder comprender el origen de la misteriosa maldición antes de que la maldicion acabe con  su vida. Allí conoce a Lady Eboshi, una fuerte mujer  y una auténtica líder. En el camino,  hay 2 intensa lucha entre dos pueblos en desacuerdo y en una carrera de las divinidades del bosque. En una de estas batallas, Ashitaka conoce a San, la Princesa Mononoke, una joven criada por los lobos y dispuesta a morir para derrotar a los humanos. 

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

MI ultimo cumpleaño

In my birthday I was 13 year old. My birthday was on Saturday. My friends came to my birthday  and we celebrated it in Telepizza. They gave nice things many and we had a great time!. My mother I gave me clothes and also gave me some earrings. My sister gave me a book of adventures..!
We ate pizza and then afterwards we went for a walkin the park.. They bought me a cake and sang to me HAPPY BIRTHADY!!
I hope that the following birthady will be as entertaining as my falt birthady. :)

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011


                                                DATES OF THE GAME

-The prominent figures are:
Kratos, Deimos, Tanatos, Thena, Dogfish, Amelia, Cyclops, arañia, lion of the pireo, robot, spartians, skeletons, wolves, birds jelidos, tigers, owls

-His weapon is:
The arch of apolo, the cestus, the sword of the Olympus, Ícaro´s wings, the head of Heliuns, the leaves of the chaos and Hermes´s boots.

-It has 16 levels.

-The history begins in spartan and they have to go spending a few levels to find his brothers.

                                      HISTORY OF THE GAME

-Kratos was a spartan who lost his brother, and then he went to look for him in the temples of plough, Atlantic and Tanato´s temple (the god of the death). To turn back of the death. Little affer going out of Tanato´s temple he found his brother ``Deimos´´

                                     GAME´S RULES

-The ruler are:
-Krato´s own death.
-Not kill his companions.
-To do his fights led by his feelings and visions.

                                  MY PERSONAL OPINION

-The game is very interteining, bloody has many phases, i don´t understand. And i like it very much.