miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011


                                                DATES OF THE GAME

-The prominent figures are:
Kratos, Deimos, Tanatos, Thena, Dogfish, Amelia, Cyclops, arañia, lion of the pireo, robot, spartians, skeletons, wolves, birds jelidos, tigers, owls

-His weapon is:
The arch of apolo, the cestus, the sword of the Olympus, Ícaro´s wings, the head of Heliuns, the leaves of the chaos and Hermes´s boots.

-It has 16 levels.

-The history begins in spartan and they have to go spending a few levels to find his brothers.

                                      HISTORY OF THE GAME

-Kratos was a spartan who lost his brother, and then he went to look for him in the temples of plough, Atlantic and Tanato´s temple (the god of the death). To turn back of the death. Little affer going out of Tanato´s temple he found his brother ``Deimos´´

                                     GAME´S RULES

-The ruler are:
-Krato´s own death.
-Not kill his companions.
-To do his fights led by his feelings and visions.

                                  MY PERSONAL OPINION

-The game is very interteining, bloody has many phases, i don´t understand. And i like it very much.

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